The Evolution of Sexual Revolution
The Evolution of Sexual Revolution
Blog Article
As the world turns, so do our ever-changing cultures and mores. While today’s Generation Z is considered to be the most connected breed that ever walked this earth, thanks to the rapid mushrooming of electronic media devices, it does not discount the fact that today’s youth has been exposed to the sexual permissiveness of modern society, in a large measure, due to the influence of mass media and advertising.
Along with the simultaneous use of those electronic devices,this generation has become very liberated when it comes to sexual attitude and orientations. It has become a freedom of expression. But along with this freedom comes its great responsibility and possible unfavorable consequences on sexual health concerns.
The Beginning
In the 1960’s, changes in sexual attitude clamored for equality of the sexes. It may not be a complete separation from the western sexual morality but was considered to be a liberalization from the conservative outlook of the previous decades caused by the Cold War. Such conservative outlook bred puritanical culture which eventually sparked the so-called sexual revolution.
Many historians observed that changes may not be seen in actual sexual activities, such as those exhibited by people having more sex or engaging in different types of sex, but rather, more of a coming out period. Unlike the previous generations, people have become more open about discussing sexual health issues such as masturbation, premarital sex, erotic fantasies, pornography, and even homosexuality.
The introduction of the Pill is another reason for this break-away mindset, allowing women easy access to reliable contraception. This new-found freedom was fanned into flames by the increasing popularity of television with its ability to influence millions of viewers while spreading new ideas in such a short span of time.
The significant changes in sexual behavior was observed among women who, upon reaching the age of maturity, had exhibited sexual behaviors common 전자담배액상 to men. In the 1980’s, women would have more partners as compared to the women of the previous generations.
The Consequence
The sexual liberation has appealed to most women because it gave them empowerment and equality with the opposite sex. It liberated them from ultimate dependence on men. The contraceptive pill had given them a sort of an an upper hand against sexual prejudices and biases from the male department who allegedly impregnate them only to be tied to a life-long oppression called marriage.
This kind of reaction was brought upon by too much puritanism during those times where women were expected to be subservient to men’s whims and caprices. Indeed, the sexual revolution had liberated the women not only in sexual behavior but in all aspects of social life.
However, the continued rise in sexual assaults and battery of women afforded some believers that the sexual liberation has only placed women in more danger of being exploited, abused and mistreated. The pill that women consider as liberating had been used by the men in their favor to further their own sexual activities. It would mean a lesser chance of getting his girl pregnant, thus, lesser responsibility on him.
Sexual liberation also spouses acceptance of homosexuality and lesbianism. It has encouraged the new generation to bravely come out of their closets and demand fair treatment and equality. Some quarters view sexual liberation as the cause of breakdown in morality. Modesty has become synonymous with immaturity. Pornography becomes art. Still, everything depends on how a person would take liberalism and to what extent. It can either boost a woman’s self-esteem or it can stripped her of her own protection. Sexual maturity plays a very important role in understanding sexual liberation.
The Maturity
The promise of sexual revolution is maturity, happiness and fulfillment through sexual liberation. Maturity is the ability to respond to circumstances in a rational way. Not being impulsive or emotional, but being reasonable and appropriate. Sexual maturity is a stage when a person’s physical, emotional, and sexual health is ready for reproduction.
Most people nowadays have treated sex without regard to commitment as well as to its consequence. Statistics prove that more than 50% of the youth have engaged in premarital sex at least once. It has become devoid of the real reason why sex should occur: for married couples to procreate.
Modern lifestyle promotes individualism and being unconventional. This is why it is important that one must learn to practice a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships by respecting and protecting the sexual rights of every individual.